Property Management

We offer comprehensive services for Communities of Property Owners from Multi-Unit Rental Property Management to Asset Management, Community of Owners, Property Sales and Rental Management and Appraisal services.

Asset Management

Our primary goal is that the property obtains maximum profitability from its investment and preventative care of the properties to avoid deterioration along with the high costs involved with it. This department is made up of highly qualified personnel whose objective is to ensure strict fulfillment of commitments made by property owner and tenant in any rental agreement, whether for housing, commercial buildings, firms, parking lots, industrial units, etc.

The complicated legal sector that affects this type of management leads us to have highly trained personnel to handle any contract typology, whether rent controlled contracts, contracts affected by the “Boyer Law” or contracts signed as of January 1st, 1995, as well as those newly written since the law change of 2013.

We are prepared to handle all client typology, from an owner with one apartment to whole buildings with all manner of service oversight, employees, providers, etc.
List of services that we can offer from our department:

  • Designation of a highly qualified Manager for each property owner as the sole representative between the property owner and the tenant.
  • Rent collection and arrears follow up.
  • Agreement review and implementation of resulting consequences in order to obtain maximum profitability..
  • IPC, IBI, Community, etc. updates..
  • Payments on the 25th of each month..
  • Payments sent via mail or email..
  • Computer system set up to provide payment information, pending or paid bills, contracts, etc. via the Internet..
  • Notice by text message (SMS) the moment payment of the account balance is ordered..
  • Specialization in rent controlled contracts and analysis of contracts that finalize on 12-31-14..
  • Assistance with agreement withdrawals, review of the property’s general condition and issuance of photographic report..
  • Handling of any incidence by highly qualified workers and supervised by in-house engineers..
  • Issuance of Energy Certificates with apartment plan and Certificate of Occupancy..
  • Tax management, issuance of VAT payments..
  • Labor department for payroll management of properties with laborers..
  • Legal department for processing collection claims, evictions and advising..
  • Technical department for review and management of incidences and performance of the Technical Building Inspection (ITE, by its initials in Spanish)..

Property Management

We offer our Property Management services to Township Associations, Communities of Property Owners, as well as Urban Conservation Entities in Malaga and Province. Our services include:

Management of Community development:

  • Procurement of a tax identification number (CIF, by its initials in Spanish).
  • Legalization of Minute Books.
  • Establishment of a System of Internal Regulations.
  • Expense quotes.
  • Quote requests.
  • Follow up on construction defects, including claim submittal to the developer/builder, in the event of being within the warranty period.

Management of already established communities:

  • Labor Procedures: hiring of employees, social security’s and payroll.
  • Tax Procedures: proceedings with management and presentation and payment of taxes.
  • Financial Procedures: management of fee charges, banking procedures, annual budgets, and contracting of services.
  • Delinquency management, including through judicial means in the event that all other avenues have been exhausted.
  • Other Procedures, calling of meetings, notification of minutes, taking minutes, preparation of briefing notes, writing of all types of letters so that they need only to be authorized and signed by the president; registration and processing of data for compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law (LOPD, by its initials in Spanish).

Communication platform with our clients through our Website .

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